Case Studies

Case Study: Professional Services Client

Case Study: Professional Services Client

The relationship forged with our clients is what sets us apart. Our team works hand in hand with our Professional Services client, and the results are proof that it works. See more of our amazing digital marketing results here.

Before working with us, this particular client hired an overseas-based, fulltime Marketing Manager for their SEO, Google Ads and Social Media campaigns. Despite a lot of promises, there was little to no process or traction on the marketing campaigns. 12 months later, they approached us.

We started off by creating a playbook for their marketing campaign. The playbook gave us a clear picture of the business and marketing needs, and it helped give our client clarity on exactly where the business was and the marketing which would help get them achieve their goals – as well as their points of difference, competitors, voice, website improvements needed and market gaps.

At this stage, they were based in Melbourne and Sydney. They have since grown and now have teams in Central Queensland, Perth and Regional Victoria, and have since hired several new staff members. And in an interesting turn of events, this client actually ended up buying one of the competitors we originally reviewed in the playbook. Business growth goals right there!

When we asked our client why they chose to work with us, their answer was simple: our values aligned with theirs. Without shopping around, they decided to kick off with us due to our aligned values and the playbook. “Our values aligned and that was the most important thing,” they said to us recently. “We didn’t shop around. We knew you were right for us when you explained your values.”

“Our values aligned and that was the most important thing. We didn’t shop around. We knew you were right for us when you explained your values.”


The next thing we did was to create a 12-month digital marketing plan. This was quite a job as the campaigns were a mess when they came to us.

Our client ended up going with SEO services, Google Ads management and Social Media management (Organic and Paid) and LinkedIn (Organic).

Here’s a quick overview of what we did for each campaign – and the data results taken over a 5-month period.


When they came to us, this client’s website was a bit of a mess. Loads of really great content, but poor structure leading to lower search rankings and therefore lower results.

Our SEO team worked hard on the site structure, decluttering content, creating parent pages for topics, creating a content library and working on local pages.

After 3 months, impressions had dropped and clicks had increased. While this may seem concerning – we were really happy to see this as it meant that the searches and keywords had been cleaned up. What does this mean in real time? The people who were coming through the website as leads were better matched with our client’s services – AKA higher quality leads.

Here’s the cold hard data:

  • BEFORE: 109 000 Impressions / 2760 Clicks
  • AFTER: 105 000 Impressions / 3280 Clicks
  • DIFFERENCE: Impressions –4000 / Clicks +500

*data gathered over a 6-month period (before: final 3 months with previous provider / after: most recent 3 months)

We’ve also seen an increase in the amount of people searching ‘branded terms’ (basically, searching their business name – which is fantastic!) as well as brand awareness and local searches. We’re now working on building parent pages with clear calls to action, improved chat functions and a modern, more engaging layout design.

SEO Results Infographic


Our Google Ads manager Heidi nearly cried when she saw the state of this client’s Google Ads campaign. It was one of the worst setups she’d ever seen.

Results were being incorrectly recorded – which meant that the campaign was recording 2.5 conversions (leads) every time someone visited the site. Impossible and simply wrong. Incorrect terms were being used (broad match and single word) which was again, attracting the wrong information and the wrong users. The team had to start from scratch.

The process of setting up this campaign, undoing the damage done and setting the Google Ads set up on the right track helped us get to know the business really well. We worked hard to target perfectly relevant terms, to achieve good click through rates and scores, resulting in a healthy, well-performing campaign.

Keen to build a partnership and see fantastic results? We’d love to chat!

Social Organic and Paid

Our social media team focused on a few different factors because this client had already built a healthy community online, so we were able to work strategically to further improve the existing foundation.

Facebook Group

The existing Facebook group had 30 000+ members (now 50 000+). The issue was that some members were posting about competitors, not realising that the group was run by a business. Our client’s goal was to have quality, branded content created to gently educate members about their business.

We put together a plan and created quality content which is posted to the group on a regular basis. The campaign saw a 100% increase in post reach, with posts having previously reached around 400 people, now reaching 800. Needless to say, our client is very happy with these results!

Facebook Marketing Results


Despite having a huge following, our client’s posting was haphazard, irregular and not very engaging. With the goal to increase engagement and reach, we set out to create a posting plan and highly engaging content.

During our best performing month, we saw a 300% increase in post saves which indicates an incredibly engaged audience. Again – winning!

Here’s the cold hard data:

July – Sept 21 (managed by the client)

  • Impressions 71,329
  • Engagement 1270
  • Post Saves 66

Nov – Jan 21/22 (managed by TheOnlineCo.)

  • Impressions 84,547 (43% increase)
  • Engagement 1917 (57% increase)
  • Post Saves 106 (158% increase)
Instagram Marketing Results

LinkedIn Sales Navigator (LISN)

Our client had established LinkedIn profiles but they weren’t actively using the platform.

We zeroed in on their target market and started connecting with them, sparking conversations with the goal of taking the conversation off LinkedIn and into the ‘real world’ (AKA phone calls!).

We connected our client with 375 people who were carefully chosen potential leads, who worked in the correct role, within the specific industry and geographic locations required for a partnership to work.

We then worked on sparking conversation with these connections, and this is where 500+ messages went flying back and forth. These conversations resulted in 41 solid leads which were taken off the platform and into emails and phone calls.

As you can imagine, our client is very busy so we set up a system which meant these leads were being entered into their CRM, cutting down on their workload. The only time we required communication from our client was when something changed from their end, or if a message came through LinkedIn requiring extra information that we didn’t have access to (those leads were generally hot and ready to go!). Having previously received a sum total of 0 leads through their LinkedIn profiles, our client was very happy with this result.

Here’s the cold hard data:

  • Connections: Started with 635 / now 1010 (375 new connections)
  • Conversations: 500+ messages
  • Leads: 41
LinkedIn Sale Navigator Marketing Results

One of the things our team has enjoyed most about working with this client is the partnership forged. This client is highly engaged with the processes of the different campaigns, responding with helpful information and feedback when needed. And apparently, the feeling is mutual. “You guys are amazing,” this client said recently. “We are so blessed to call you guys family and are grateful for all you do to support our business.” (awww.. blush!)

If your idea of the perfect marketing campaign is one involving partnership and team work, as well as fantastic growth and results, we’d love to chat!

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