4 Reasons You Should Be Using Facebook Live

4 Reasons You Should Be Using Facebook Live

Should you be using Facebook Live? Absolutely. Here’s why.

  1. Everyone’s watching! In 2018 it was reported that 78% of online audiences were watching Facebook live videos. That’s a massive percentage and is impossible to ignore.
  2. Work with the biase. The Facebook algorithm is actually biased toward Facebook live videos. Of all the content on Facebook (images, text, shares etc.), Facebook Live videos are the most likely to come up in feeds.
  3. Extra boost. Your followers are notified when you go live, making it even more likely that they’ll engage.
  4. Great opportunity! You’re given a platform to speak to your followers live, answer their questions in real-time and interact with them directly. It’s a really terrific, sticky way to work with your potential customers.  

Stuck for ideas on what to talk about during your Facebook Lives? We’d be happy to put together a plan for you that will help build your platform. Feel free to call us if you have any questions. We’re here to help!

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