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Episode Summary

In this episode, we’re diving into a crucial aspect of marketing that too many businesses overlook—building a Digital Marketing Playbook. Do you have a clear, actionable plan for your marketing efforts, or are you just throwing things at the wall to see what sticks?

Successful brands don’t leave things to chance. They spend time strategising and planning their marketing for the year ahead. When you see a big brand’s ad, you can bet that there’s been a lot of thought behind it—who it’s targeting, what message it conveys, the channels it uses, and how success will be measured.

If you want your marketing efforts to pay off, you need a solid plan in place. That’s where the Digital Marketing Playbook comes in. Remember, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Join us as we walk you through the steps to create a playbook that will set your marketing up for success. Don’t miss out!

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