Digital Marketing Checkup YOU’RE ALMOST DONE! Where should we send your Digital Marketing Checkup results? First Name *Last Name *Email *Select Role *Business OwnerManagementMarketing ProfessionalSubscribe to our monthly newsletter *YesNoWould you like a call to discuss how our Digital Marketing Playbook can help improve your score? *YesNoPhone Entry ID *We have a clear digital marketing plan for the next 12 months that has been properly communicated to the organisation. Our points of difference have been clearly articulated and our marketing channels consistently communicate them. Our overall business goals are clear and all our marketing activities are aligned with them. Our ideal customer (target market) has been identified and all our marketing efforts are focused on communicating with them. All our marketing content (words, images & video) is compelling, clear and true. We have a clear pathway, which has been illustrated, for our customers to progress towards purchasing our product or service. We have identified the keywords and key phrases that our customers use in search engines to find our product or service. Based on our selected keywords, we have optimised the content on our website to clearly communicate to our ideal customer how our product or service solves their problem or meets their need. We have visibility, clarity and data on how people are interacting with search engines in order to find our website. We have clear data on how our website is performing in engaging our target customer. We are consistently (daily, weekly or monthly) using social media to communicate with our target customer. We are consistently creating content (words, images and/or video) that is being used to communicate with our ideal customer. We have clear data on how our customers are engaging with our creative content (words, images and/or video) on Social Media. We have a database of potential customers and are communicating with them consistently via email or other channels. We are consistently acquiring testimonials and/or case studies from our customers. We have clear data on how all of our marketing is creating awareness, engaging customers and driving leads. We know which sources have delivered leads over the past 12 months. We are actively reviewing the data from our marketing and using it to make decisions to improve outcomes. Our digital marketing communicates with our ideal customer efficiently and clearly and is not complicated, confusing or vague. We have set an appropriate budget based on our industry, business size and appetite for growth. Total Score PhoneGet My Results © 2024 TheOnlineCo. All rights reserved