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If you’ve ever had that little voice in your head saying, ‘I can’t’,  an unstoppable pair of women named Jodie Bruce-Clarke and Anastasia Adams are here to tell you, ‘You can!’  

They’re the brains behind the business ‘Rise Women’ – a confidence coaching agency built around a philosophy that confidence isn’t something you’re born with; it’s something everyone can learn. 

In our interview with the pair, you’ll not only gain valuable business insights. You’ll also learn how Anastasia used to struggle with her confidence and self-worth, and how her self-belief has blossomed in the process of building the business…. As well as the childhood experiences that shaped Jodie’s passion for self-improvement; and the life-changing book she wrote, that almost never made it to the bookshop shelves.  

With the confidence principles this pair share, by the end of the episode you’ll be ready to take on the world. 

Key Moments

  • 03:16
    A family crisis opens Jodie up to the world of personal transformation. 
  • 05:00
    While working as a life coach, Jodie discovers the untapped market for women’s confidence coaching. 
  • 06:40
    Jodie and Anastasia meet – and a powerful partnership is formed.
  • 16:37
    Time to publish that book!
  • 22:30
    An unexpected outcome of COVID-19: Rise Women goes global! 
  • 26:47
    Plans for the future – more online courses.
  • 34:12
    When their publisher went bankrupt; it was make or break time for Rise Women.
  • 37:31
    It’s vital to have confidence in your brand, your voice and your message.

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